Download H3lix Jailbreak

Get H3lix Jailbreak for your iOS devices!

Name H3lix
Version RC6
File Size 8.4MB (32 Bit), 10MB (64 Bit)
Stable Release 23 Jul 2019
Supported OS iOS
Developer tihmstar

Download Links

H3lix .ipa 32Bit

H3lix .ipa 64Bit

H3lix Jailbreak

h3lix jailbreak

H3lix jailbreak works on 32-bit devices from iOS 10 to iOS 10.3.4. This jailbreak has been developed by tihmstar and siguza. It is the only jailbreak tool that is semi-untethered and is meant for 32-bit devices. It was released back in December 2020 so it is one of the latest tools to jailbreak your phone. It also comes with the latest technology. It works on almost any version of iOS 10. It is also called Helix jailbreak. Most of the jailbreak tools use old technology so there’s no scope for new features to get into it. With H3lix jailbreak, you get all such features that you demanded from a Jailbreak tool but didn’t get due to obsolete technology.

Every time you restart your device, you will have to reinstall the H3lix jailbreak. Even if you don’t own a computer, you can download and install H3lix jailbreak. This tool also supports the enterprise certificate. This certificate is revoked by Apple time and again as and when it is required. You can change the color of the logo as per your need since there are different colors available as per your choice. The boot logo can be customized as per your wants too. To be precise, it is a very user-friendly experience and does jailbreak all the justice!

You will have to download Cydia Impactor side by side on your PC to get the job done. This jailbreak tool is fully compatible with 32-bit as well as 64-bit devices. It is easy to download and its size is very small too. It is only 8.38 MB which means it is a matter of moments before the download gets completed.

How to install and use Cydia

  1. Once you have downloaded the H3lix file as well as Cydia Impactor on your computer, the installation process gets started.
  2. You have to wait before Cydia Impactor identifies your device. Once it has located your phone, you need to drag the .IPA file and drop it into Cydia impactor.
  3. You will also have to provide your Apple ID and password at the same point in time.
  4. You have to go to Profile and Device management and Felix files in it. You need to tap trust and close the settings. T
  5. There will be a huge jailbreak button dropping on your screen.
  6. This is when you need to wait for the jailbreak process to finally get completed. Your device will be successfully jailbroken as the process is finished.


Q1: Is there any way I can hide the jailbreak option?

You have to use H3lix Cydia tweak to hide the jailbreak option. This icon will be hidden only while the jailbreak process is in its midway. It will allow the app to not be in the jailbreak state.

Q2: Does every jailbreak require the need to connect to the computer to do the job?

There are very few jailbreak tools that can complete the jailbreak process without connecting to the computer. In the case of H3lix jailbreak, you will be required to connect it to your computer for sure.

Q3: Will I face any bugs while jailbreaking my phone through H3lix?

There are lags here and there since a lot is going around in the jailbreak process. But overall, you wouldn’t be facing many bugs while jailbreaking your phone through H3lix.

Q4: Which iOS version is H3lix jailbreak best suited for?

H3lix jailbreak is best suited for iOS 10 to iOS 10.3.4. It might still work on other iOS versions up until iOS 13.

Q5: How much time does it take to jailbreak your phone through H3lix jailbreak?

It depends on the device but it would generally take half an hour to get the process completed with H3lix jailbreak. In some cases, it might take an hour as well. There might be lags and bugs and you are also required to reboot your phone time and again!

Conclusion: H3lix Jailbreak for Cydia

H3lix jailbreak is a really useful tool in order to keep your phone in jailbreak mode. It works just about perfect for iOS 10 to iOS 10.3.4. So if you are using that version of iOS and you want to jailbreak your device, H3lix will be the best choice for you!

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